NMAC February 25 Newsletter
Well here we are, one month down, only eleven more to go till next year. January was a bad month for training due to snow, ice and winds. I remember going out for a 5-mile run at night in the snow. It seemed so light as the snow reflected the streetlights and when I got back my trainers were soaking wet although spotlessly clean. As the snow does not give you the same spring as a path it had taken me several minutes longer to complete my usual run.
NMAC are pleased to announce several initiatives to start the year. NMAC has been accepted into the Mid Lancs T&F League so for many of our members who are T&F athletes this will give you an opportunity to compete on a regular basis during the year. Full details of what is involved and how you can compete will be found shortly on the website and in the body of this email.
As mentioned previously NMAC are prepared to sponsor any member who wishes to become an official. If NMAC continues to compete in the ML T&F L, in years to come, then NMAC will need to provide officials as part of the agreement to participate. So, thinking ahead to the future, NMAC would like to have a bank of officials that can be called upon for the League and for our T&F Championships. So please contact us if you are prepared to do an official’s course.
NMAC would like to thank all those members who took part in the recent survey regarding a Road Race Championship. The results were as follows: – Road Championship as a one off per distance 33 in favour, Road Race Championship as a series of races over multi distances over geographical sections of NMAC 64, Virtual Championship over several distances 10, None 0.
Information regarding how the RRC will operate will be on the webpage soon, so keep checking to see how you can become a competitor in the Championship. Hopefully this will give the members who are more of the road running fraternity an opportunity to have competition over the year.
So, all you need to know about what is happening in the club, will be on the website or sent out on social media so keep looking, you don’t miss anything.
Yours in Sport
Phil Lee Chair NMAC Feb 2025 Newsletter from Chair