NMAC are thinking of holding a Road Race Championship for its members who are of the road running/distance discipline. Runners would have a series of races over distances of 5K, 5mile, 10K and 10 Mile. They would be within selected races and nominated by NMAC. This is to allow runners to compete in events which could be geographically close to where they live. Runners would have to complete a race over each nominated distance but could choose the race. Results would be Age Graded per Gender and Age so that the best in each 5-year age category would receive medals according to their overall finishing result. Full details would be published shortly.
Runners would need to register their interest to take part in the RRC.
Alternatively NMAC would just hold One off Championships for various race distances. These Championships would be held within existing events, as has happened over previous years. There would be no need to register your interest but runners would just need to enter the event and medals would be awarded on the day depending on actual times.
NMAC would like to know how the road running section feel about these ideas before planning for 2025.
Would you prefer a Road Running Championship over a series of events or a One off Race Championship for set distances.
Please fill in the survey and return your form as soon as possible, please click on link below.