‘The Presidents Trophy’ 2024

After each annual outdoor Inter Area challenge I choose an athlete to which to present The President’s Trophy. This Trophy was bought a few years ago in memory of Faye Holden an NMAC member who died of cancer in her early 40s. Faye was a lovely person who was happy to do any event at the Inter Area to gain us a few points. In her memory I like to award the Trophy to an athlete who shows that same ‘do anything for points’ attitude.

So far it has been presented to John Wright, Carol Holt, Paul Barlow and John Ward.

It was very hard to decide on a recipient this year as so many athletes went ‘the extra mile’.

As acknowledged in my report on the meeting, there many people who covered age groups below their own, did unaccustomed or multiple events or went out of their comfort zone.

So, I am just including a paragraph from my report which shows who the Trophy goes to this year.

“Wendy Valentine has to be mentioned as definitely an athlete who moved out of her comfort zone. Not only agreeing to move down an age group she ran the very challenging 400m hurdles for the first time ever. Then she did the 2000m walk and the Triple Jump all in the younger age group. It is worth mentioning too that Wendy helped officiate between her events as she was needed as a Level 2 Field Judge.”

Without her being willing to act as a judge, the meeting may not have had sufficient Level 2 Field Judges and may have had to be cancelled.

She also ran a relay leg.

Wendy has been a regular Inter Area athlete for three years now and is always happy to do anything for the NMAC team. She knew it would help us if she moved down an age group and did the 400m hurdles, an event she had never done before and one of the most gruelling events in my opinion. So the week before she went to the track and did 3x200m hurdles in preparation and on the day she got round superbly and got us 6 points. 

So, I will be arranging a time and place when I can present Wendy with the Trophy.

Caroline Marler

Hon. President