Hon. President Caroline Marler’s report FOR 2024 NMAC AGM

Hon. President Caroline Marler’s report
It is with great pleasure that I report to the AGM as the Hon. President.
I have seen NMAC athletes compete with aplomb and gusto throughout 2024 and feel proud to be their President.
Everywhere I competed, British Championships (Main, Winter Throws and Multi events), European and World Masters Championships, I saw many of our athletes there, gaining medals, breaking national or NMAC records or setting personal bests.
We set a challenge for the competitors in the Run Jump Throw events held at Sheffield. There were trophies for the best age related performance in 4 categories – sprint, middle distance, throws and jumps categories.
Other things that I was involved was extending the NMAC clothing range. We can now offer t shirts, crop tops, hoodies and bobble hats as well as the usual vests. The hoodies and bobble hats can be ordered online on the Fastrax club shop, the others can be bought from me.
Some work has been done on our records. As well as updating them when members beat records, I compiled men’s and women’s half marathon and marathon best performance tables.
After our very good 2nd placing at the Outdoor Inter Area challenge, I did my usual musing on who should receive The President’s Trophy. Given in memory of Faye Holden, a young NMAC member who died of cancer a few years ago. It is awarded to a person who like Faye was, is willing to do go the ‘extra mile’ for the team to gain points. This year it was awarded to Wendy Valentine.
I look forward to another year of NMAC members doing us proud and enjoying being part of our club.
Caroline Marler