January Newsletter from Phil Lee The Chair
NMAC would like to wish all our members the compliments of the season and hope that 2025 will be a good year in athletics, for you, and that you achieve some notable performances. As well as keep injury free of course which goes without saying.
NMAC would like to express its grateful thanks for the work done by secretary, Graham White, who is steping down from the role to concentrate on his athletic career. Graham worked diligently on your behalf and the fact that you can read this newsletter on the webpage is all down to Graham who worked extremely hard to get the webpage up and running. Julie Hicken has now stepped into the secretary’s role.
Starting a new year it is always good to look head and NMAC are looking ahead to give our members new opportuniyies in the coming months.
NMAC have been accepted to compete in the Mid Lancs Track and Field League this year. This will give our Track and Field athletes some regular competition throughout the league programme. Further details will be available on the website so keep looking out for them.
NMAC are also hoping to introduce a competition for their road running members during the year. Again look for further details on the website where they will be published once we have finalised them.
NMAC are also looking to sponsor their members who wish to become officials so that NMAC has a pool of officials they can call on during the years to help at their events.
So 2025 could be an interesting year on the athletic front for the members. So don’t delay, get training today.
Sorry for the short newsletter this month but was busy with Christmas and had to find time to visit my family with presents.
Look forward to seeing some of you at our events in the year.
Phil Lee NMAC Chair